Reflecting on the IATUL 2024 Conference
A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusivity - The International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) 2024 conference was held in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand in November.

This is the first time since 2019 that the conference has been held in the southern hemisphere and 200 of the 276 attendees were from Aotearoa and Australia. Overall there were attendees from 22 countries with Canada and the United Kingdom having the most delegates outside of Australasia.
IATUL brings together library professionals from tertiary institutions around the globe and this spirit of collaboration and diversity was reflected in the theme of the conference, ngā reo o te katoa – the voices of all, The conference was organised by a group of staff from across the NZ university sector and was jointly hosted by the University of Auckland, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), and the University Waikato.