In the Service of University Libraries

Special Interest Group for Research Data Management

The SIG-DATA charge is to promote discussion, exchange resources, and support an infrastructure for e-research and data information management among IATUL members. The primary focus of SIG DATA is to understand and inform about the practices and applications of data and e-research services in an academic environment.


SIG-DATA currently has six members:

Cameron Riopelle (Chair)Head of Data and Visualization Services University of MiamiUSA
Allison DollandDeputy Campus LibrarianUniversity of the West Indies, St Augustine CampusTrinidad and Tobago
Sarah KibirigeDirector of Library & Information ServicesSefako Makgatho Health Sciences UniversitySouth Africa
Zanele MatheResearch Information Services ManagerCape Peninsula University of Technology Libraries, Cape TownSouth Africa
Katina ToufexisResearch Data CoordinatorUniversity of Western AustraliaAustralia
Tiyani MabundaDirector of Open ScholarshipNorth-West UniversitySouth Africa

Applications and questions 
may be addressed to:

Cameron Riopelle, Ph.D.
Phone: +1 305 284 3257