Special Interest Group for Data and Open Scholarship

The SIG Data charge is to promote discussion, create and share learning resources, and support infrastructure for data science, research data services, open science and open data, data management, data curation, data visualization, geospatial information systems (GIS), library-based publishing, and data-related instructional services among IATUL members. The primary focus of SIG Data is to understand and inform IATUL members about the practices and applications of research data in academic environments, as well as critical approaches to emerging trends in open science, data science, GIS, and related fields of inquiry.
SIG-DATA has just been reconstructed and calls for new members!
Member | Position | University | Country |
Cameron Riopelle (Chair) | Head of Data and Visualization Services | University of Miami | USA |
Applications and questions
may be addressed to:
Cameron Riopelle, Ph.D.
Phone: +1 305 284 3257