In the Service of University Libraries
SIG Space

Special Interest Group for Library Space

The SIG-Library Space charge is to promote discussion and exchange of ideas about the design and delivery of library spaces and services across systems and cultures.


SIG-Space currently has seven members:

Martin Borchert (Co-Chair)Director and University LibrarianUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)Australia
Gry Bettina Moxnes (Co-Chair)Head of Section University LibraryOslo Metropolitan UniversityNorway
Michael CrumptonDean of the University LibrariesThe University of North Carolina United States
Simone KiblerHead of Reader ServicesTechnische Universität Braunschweig Universitätsbibliothek | University LibraryGermany
Nathalie LeclairHead, User Engagement University of OttawaCanada
Shiobhan SmithAssociate University Librarian Customer ExperienceUniversity of OtagoNew Zealand
Kornelia TanchevaHillman University Librarian and Director, University Library SystemUniversity of PittsburghUnited States


Learning Space Toolkit

A model for institutions to plan and support technology-rich informal learning spaces. This Learning Space Toolkit includes a roadmap to guide the process along with tools and techniques for assessing needs, understanding technology, describing spaces, planning and delivering support services, and assembling space, technology, and services. The Toolkit is freely available as a resource on the web.


Let’s talk about Library Space Design 

A series of conversations with designers and architects about library space design created by IATUL’s Special Interest Group on Library Space to inspire global conversations about today’s library design, challenges, and opportunities. 
Watch the first conversation that Kornelia Tancheva held with Anne Chen about "Library Design: Opportunities and Challenges".

Applications and questions 
may be addressed to:

Martin Borchert